Undangan Digital Elegan

Desain eksklusif dan personalisasi untuk acara Anda, praktis dan ramah lingkungan dengan ngundangs.com.

Desain Eksklusif

Solusi undangan digital elegan untuk berbagai acara penting.

space gray iPhone 6 with Facebook log-in display near Social Media scrabble tiles
space gray iPhone 6 with Facebook log-in display near Social Media scrabble tiles
Personalisasi Undangan

Sesuaikan detail acara dengan gaya unik dan personal.

Matrix movie still
Matrix movie still
Integrasi Media

Mudah berbagi undangan melalui berbagai platform sosial.

gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
gray Apple wireless keyboard beside black tablet computer and stylus pen
person using black iPad
person using black iPad
Fitur RSVP

Pantau kehadiran tamu secara real-time dengan mudah.

Hemat Waktu

Solusi praktis untuk menghemat waktu dan biaya acara.

Galeri Undangan

Lihat desain eksklusif undangan digital elegan kami di sini.

girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
Apple MacBook air on wooden surface
Apple MacBook air on wooden surface
black and gray laptop computer turned on
black and gray laptop computer turned on